Geografie 2004, 109, 1-14

Regional aspects of acceptation of the new subjects in the Slovak political arena

Peter Mariot

Geografický ústav SAV, Bratislava, Slovakia

The author observes specific features of the regional picture of support to five political parties, which emerged as new and obtained chairs in the Slovak Parliament in the years 1999-2002 (Tab. 1). He uses the index of openness (Io) computed for each community as the sum of bal values for the individual parties (Tab. 5) to express regional differences in the willingness of voters in different regions of the Slovak Republic to accept these new political subjects. The communities with a high index of openness values (Io from 20 to 29) are found above all in the administrative region of Košice (Fig. 6), while the "openness" of electors increases from the west to the east and with increasing population in the settlements of the Slovak Republic.